
Costst and reimbursements

B&B Kidscare has contracts with all Dutch health insurers and adheres to the rates agreed upon in negotiations with the insurers.

For children under 18 years old with Dutch insurance, physiotherapy for up to 18 treatments per year is covered by the basic insurance. No deductible is required for this coverage.

Please note: If you are insured abroad, you will receive an invoice. You can submit this invoice to your own health insurer.

If all covered pediatric physiotherapy treatments have been used and you do not have additional insurance, you will receive an invoice from us at home. In this case, the rates listed below will apply.

Note! During your first appointment, we combine an intake (anamnesis and examination) with a treatment (informing/advising, (homework) exercises, and/or treatment). This counts as two sessions, which will be billed either to the health insurer or to yourself. We do this to start the treatment process as effectively as possible and to deliver the high-quality care we stand for as a physiotherapy practice.

Appointments that are not canceled or rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance, regardless of the reason for cancellation, will be charged.

If you are unsure about your health insurance coverage, please contact your health insurance company. Once you are in our system, the pediatric physiotherapists at B&B Kidscare can also check how many treatments you have per calendar year, in addition to the basic coverage.

You remain responsible for keeping track of the number of treatments your child has received.

Note! During your first appointment, we combine an intake (anamnesis and examination) with a treatment (informing/advising, (homework) exercises, and/or treatment). This counts as two sessions, which will be billed either to the health insurer or to yourself. We do this to start the treatment process as effectively as possible and to deliver the high-quality care we stand for as a physiotherapy practice.

Appointments that are not canceled or rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance, regardless of the reason for cancellation, will be charged.