

Toddlers (2 – 4 years)

Toddlers reach several developmental milestones through the years, such as writing, drawing, walking, running, jumping, throw, climbing etc. These are all steps that every child develops, but each at their own pace.

The indications below indicate what you can contact us for. Not sure if your child is at the right place with us? Mail your question to info@benbkidscare.nl or make an appointment!

Indications we often see at the age of toddlers (2-4 years)

  • Delay in motor development
  • Being anxious about climbing, scrambling and other playground activities;
  • Difficulty with gross motor skills such as jumping, hopping, throwing and/or catching;
  • Sensory information processing;
  • Abnormal gait pattern;
  • Frequent falling or being frequently clumsy;
  • Difficulty with fine motor skills such as coloring, drawing, crafting, cutting etc.