

The motor development of babies makes great progress in the first two years. However, it can occur that babies may have some development delay. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a problem. There is a lot of variation and speed in a baby’s motor development.

In the first two years from the moment the baby is born, it could be possible you may see any signs that indicate a motor problem or that require treatment by a paediatrics physiotherapist. In many cases, these problems are identified by a doctor or general practitioner. You or others around you may also notice something about your child’s development. Usually, the earlier a child is treated, the smaller the developmental disruption.


The indications below indicate what you can contact us for. Not sure if your child is at the right place with us? Mail us at info@benbkidscare.nl or make an appointment!

Indications in babies 0 – 2 years

  • positioning deformities, such as a flattened head, neck turn preference, developmental hip dysplasia, etc.
  • overstretching
  • sensory information processing
  • low birth weight/dysmature/premature
  • difficulty with lying on the stomach
  • don’t able to crawl
  • butt shuffling
  • more complex cases such as Cerebral palsy, spina bifida, Erbse Palsy or Down’s Syndrome