
Older children

Older children (12 – 18 years)

The main injuries or conditions in the age of 12 years or older are often growth and posture related. In the teenage years, everything changes in the body. This causes various injuries to the neck or back in some teenagers.

In addition, sports injuries can also occur due to, among other things, overload to the muscles or joints. During the growth period, various conditions can occur in the foot, knee, hip, but also in the back, neck or shoulders.

Our children’s physiotherapists map out the conditions and injuries during an intake and on the basis of this, we start with the treatment process.

Indications by older children 12-18 years

  • Growth and/or sport-related conditions/injuries;
  • Pain;
  • Reduced load capacity;
  • Sensory information processing;
  • Postural problems such as scoliosis;
  • ADHD, autism;
  • Headache;
  • Hyperventilation;
  • Asthma/breathing problems;
  • Stamina and/or strength difficulties;
  • Rheumatism.