
Younger children

Each age has specific motor skills that a child needs to learn. When your child turns 4 years old, it will start at the primary school. In this age, the child’s development accelerates quickly. There is a lot of playing in the schoolyard and children have weekly gym lessons. During the lessons, many fine motor skills are also learned such as cutting, coloring and crafting.

In this phase, it may occur that a child needs extra help from a pediatric physiotherapist. Sometimes a child’s development does not go as smoothly as expected. For example, they have clumsy motor skills, difficulty with cutting/coloring/writing or fear of pushing boundaries. Our physiotherapists are happy to assist your child.

The indications below indicate what you can contact us for. Not sure if your child is at the right place with us? Mail to info@benbkidscare.nl or make an appointment!

Indications in the young child 4-12 years

  • Delay in motor development;
  • Difficulty keeping up during gym lessons;
  • Abnormal gait pattern;
  • Frequent falling or clumsy mobility;
  • Sensory information processing;
  • Development coordination disorder;
  • Problems with fine motor tasks such as; cutting, crafting, dressing and undressing, tying shoelaces;
  • Problems in writing such as pen grip, illegible handwriting, pain when writing or writing at a slow pace;
  • Growth pain and/or sport-related injuries;